5 Types of Crowns in The Bible
As Christians, we are all running the race of faith. God holds precious 5 crowns in the Bible verses for those who succeed in this race.
Even when we do a small thing, our mind yearns for others to praise us for it. Many people work hard to establish a reputation in the job and obtain numerous prizes and awards. If we compete in international events, we will strive hard to overcome the sleep that we must overcome in order to earn the award or gold.
That’s good. But all the compliments, gifts and awards we receive in this world are not permanent.
We can meditate through Scripture in the Bible on what 5 crowns in the Bible He holds for us.
What Is the Five Crowns in The Bible
The Lord Jesus Christ is going to sit on the throne of the King and give us the reward we deserve for our deeds and crown us with joy. That is Performance Awards for Running a Good Christian Race.
Are we worried about this as we are going to live with Him forever and ever?
Are we working on it?
Do we long to receive the gift from the hand of my soul mate, the bridegroom?
Are we getting ready?
Let’s think dear ones!
Scripture instructs us to store up treasures for you in heaven. “Behold, I come quickly;” Scripture warns us that the reward I give to every man according to his works comes with me. [Revelation 22:12].
In the kingdom of heaven, the Lord our God is a righteous judge, eagerly awaiting the fruitage of our works.
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5 Crowns in Heaven Bible Verse
There are 5 crowns in the Bible for the believer who endures to the end and attains treasures on this earth:
- Crown of Life
- Immortal Crown
- Crown of Glory
- Righteousness Crown
- Rejoicing Crown
- Crown of Life
This crown is mentioned twice in the New Testament, namely in James 1:12 and Revelation 2:10. In both passages, the preceding verses speak about enduring temptation and tribulation. All who will come out of it as conquerors will reward with the crown of life.
Immortal Crown
The apostle writes in 1 Corinthians 9:25 about the Roman contests in which the victor received a laurel wreath or crown. Yet, this crown was ephemeral. In the spiritual race and battle, the victor is reward with an immortal crown.
Crown of Glory
In 1 Peter 5:1–4, we read that Peter exhorts the elders to shepherd and oversee the flock of God. What you do and don’t do should be exemplary and characterized by willingness.
Such faithful service is reward by the Chief Shepherd with an unfading crown of glory.
Crown of Righteousness
Paul wrote to Timothy (2 Timothy 4:8) that one day he will receive a crown from the hand of the Lord, the righteous Judge. This crown is give to those who love its appearance.
Crown of Rejoicing
This crown is speak of in Philippians 4:1 and 1 Thessalonians 2:19. It is the joy and honour of leading people to the Lord Jesus and establishing them in Him.
5 Crowns Given in Heaven
Crown of Life Verse
In this wicked world, those who dare to endure trials and tribulations and give their lives for him can be set free from the crown of life and this is one of the 5 crowns in the Bible verses.
The living crown is the promised gift to the believer who truly loves the Lord God in any intimacy and follows Him faithfully.
We need a zealous faith life in which we count everything as trivial and rubbish for Christ.
Knowing that by faith Moses would suffer from the people of God rather than suffer everlasting sins, he sacrificed his life for Christ, hoping that the reproach that would come in Egypt would be more blessed than the prospect of coming to fruition.
Moses was the only man buried by God in the Bible.
Bible Verses for Crowns in the Bible
Scripture says that “Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” [James 1:12].
When the Holy Spirit wrote to the angel of the church of Smyrna, he said unto them, “Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.” [Revelation 2:10].
Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice insofar as you share Christ’s sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed, because the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. [1 Peter 4: 12-14].
Paul tells Timothy that you are a good warrior to Jesus Christ and suffer evil.
Yes, dear ones, if we suffer for him, we will rule with him.
Immortal Crown
We can also say that the crown of immortality is the crown of victory and this is one of the 5 crowns in the Bible verses.
He who succeeds in the flow of faith with determination, truth and morality can redeem the crown of indestructibility. That is, the crown of indestructibility belongs to us when we crucify their lusts for Christ and remain faithful to His calling and deserve it.
All of us who have tasted the love of Christ have a desire to do something for God. Right away we begin to think about what we can do in the ministry. That is, we desire to serve in our comfort zone.
We will act without thinking about what ministry God has called us to, what his plan is and what the field of ministry is.
Bible Verse
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. [1 Corinthians 9: 24-25].
Maybe if God calls us to serve as missionaries we should be willing to run away with all of our own house, land, and money to the place God shows us.
Our flow can be successful only when we know and act on God’s plan like this. A runner will set his goal, suppress his body, follow the rules of the game and run with the zeal to win.
In the same way, in the life of faith, we must know God’s plan for us, set our goals, obey the commands that God has given us in the form of laws, and run with restraint so that we do not disguise our bodies to suit the world.
That immortal, undefiled and indestructible freedom is kept for us in heaven in exchange for the dedication and sacrifice we have made to successfully accomplish the plan of God’s call for us.
Will we dedicate ourselves to saying that Jesus is going to do your will no matter where he shows me like Abraham, the father of believers?
Crown of Glory
The crown has given to shepherds who truly shepherd the flock of God and this is one of the 5 crowns in the Bible verses.
God wants the congregation servants, the preachers of the Word of God, the teachers of the Bible school, and the missionaries to each imitate Christ and guide their flock toward God in the way of faith.
Bible Verse
Scripture says “Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory.” (1 Peter 5: 2-4).
Although the flock that God has given us is small, we should continue to serve him wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly. We owe it to ourselves to be vigilant as guarantors of every soul that God has entrusted into our hands.
May we receive the fruit of the Holy Spirit and shepherd our flock with wisdom and knowledge.
The main task of a shepherd is to imitate Jesus, the good shepherd, and to shepherd the flock spiritually, search for the lost, bring back what was lost, heal the broken bones, and strengthen the brokenhearted.
In Ezekiel 34, Lord warns us that Christianity is not about talking about Christ orally. Christianity is about living as models for Christ and teaching others to follow Christ [Let Christ be our Model and Lifestyle].
We who are known to serve according to the new Spirit will earnestly and zealously strive to glorify only God’s name.
Difficulties, struggles, insults, humiliations in the path of ministry. Let us endure it for the Lord. Let us live as witnesses. God will adorn us with an indestructible crown of glory.
Crown of Righteousness
The crown was given to saints who fight the good fight for Christ and finish the race and look forward to the coming of God and this is one of the 5 crowns in the Bible verses.
Paul says “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved His appearing.” [2 Timothy 4: 7-8].
We cannot earn anything by our self-righteousness. God did not save us by the work of our righteousness, but by the abundance of the resurrection and the renewal of the Holy Spirit. According to his abundant mercy.
By being freed from sin through the death of Christ and being slaves to righteousness. We become slaves to God, the fruitage of which is holiness.
Therefore, let us surrender ourselves to God as slaves of righteousness, that we may walk in holiness. It must be sanctified in our style, thought, action, and word. We weak pandas often make mistakes.
Paul says I see an oath that has evil in me that desires to do good. Our mind desires to do good but the sinful oath. That is in our members imprisons us and prevents us from doing good.
Bible Verse
Bible verse tells you, “Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness.” [Romans 6: 13].
Yes, dear ones let us fight the good fight like Paul; We will keep the faith and long for His presence every day. In true righteousness and holiness, we will clothe ourselves with the new creation, which is in the likeness of God.
Crown of Rejoicing
The crown was give to those who gain the soul. The souls we have earned for God will be our crowns of joy at the meeting of the Lord and this is one of the 5 crowns in the Bible verses.
Who are the crowns of hope, joy and happiness for us?
“Harvest is plenty workers are few”. We are saved by faith through grace. It is not made by us; God’s gift.
Every Christian must realize that it is our duty to proclaim the gospel. We will exalt the salvation we have received freely and lead them on the path to salvation and make them part of the kingdom of God.
Bible Verse
Paul writes to the church in Thessalonica, “For what is our hope or joy or crown of boasting before our Lord Jesus at his coming? Is it not you?” [1 Thessalonians: 2:19].
The greatest charity we do on earth is to proclaim the grace of God and Jesus Christ to others. “Without saving the soul, …… Lord with shame! Is it emptiness to find you? That the devotee sings.
It is a shame that we stand alone without a soul before the God of love who saved us. God sees more in our hearts the desire and zeal. We have to preach the gospel than the number of souls we carry.
When we go to heaven the souls we have earned for God will adorn us as crowns of joy. Because there is great joy in the kingdom of heaven because of one sinner who repents.
Scripture says that he who turns a sinner from an escaped religion must know that he can save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins. Let’s run for God today. Let the soul gain.
Beloved in Christ we bring nothing into the world and carry nothing away. As much as we strive to add to the impermanent worldly treasures, we will strive to earn the 5 crowns of the treasures in the Bible verses. Every effort we make for God in this world pays off.
So let us not become entangled in worldly delusions and destroy the riches of the everlasting kingdom of heaven. We do not work for the 5 crowns in the bible verses, but for the true love of God.
May heavenly life become our desire. Let us faithfully follow Jesus with the desire to receive the crowns of heaven from the hand of my dear Jesus.
God will crown us with 5 crowns in the Bible on the day we reap every effort we make for Him in this world. How joyful that moment was. We long for the presence of God in our daily lives.
May God bless and guide each of us. Amen.