The Importance of Treating Yourself and Those Around You
There seems to be little time for personal treats in today’s world. However, they are very much needed and welcome when they happen. You should always make time for treating yourself, especially if you have a stressful job that offers very little in the way of thanks or incentives.
In fact, all work and no play leads to dullness, burnout, illness, and general frustration. So, to conquer this before it has properly set in, you should make time to treating yourself and provide yourself with praise to encourage self-worth and improve your self-image. This can be achieved in a number of different ways, and with the help of your friends, it can be an incredibly enjoyable experience all around.
#1 Pamper or spa days
Booking yourself and possibly a friend to join you on pamper days or even whole weekends is a good way of treating yourself to a much-needed break. Pamper days typically include, but are not limited to:
A massage
This has amazing health benefits, especially when stress and tension are concerned, and is not just about releasing tightened and knotted muscles. Massage can also help with circulation, which, as you have probably worked out. That can help with brain function as it aids oxygen levels in the blood getting to all the right places.
Beauty Treatments
Beauty treatments such as facials, manicures, pedicures, and mini detox courses for weekenders. These are another great way to enjoy being pampered. It is important that this treatment is not purely aimed at the female population and that men are increasingly benefitting from the experience that is provided here. Any pamper session you engage in will be relaxing and give you time to be totally self-focused and self-indulgent.
#2 Treat boxes
Of course, you will not have the time or financial support to endure a full-on spa day every week. However, you may be able to instead indulge in a rewarding and highly enjoyable treat box that you can share with another or keep secretly to yourself.
This can be made exceptionally personal if you choose the right company to order from. This is because some confectionary companies offer their customers the ability to pick and choose their favorite products to make up the treat box in question.
For instance, if your pleasure is Turkish delight, selecting which varieties are present in your box. It is much more beneficial to you and your enjoyment than having to make and do with a standard preselected combination. If you are looking to gift them to a loved one or friend, then you can present them with flavors. That they may not have yet discovered or that you know they will love. This will indefinitely provide you with a highly personal and thoughtful way of showing. That you care or for giving thanks to that special person in your life.
#3 Social events
Regardless of how much time you put by for social events on your calendar, you need to include some. This is because interacting with people you enjoy the company of will provide you with health benefits, stimulate conversation. And inspire your mind to move along different tracks to perhaps the ones that it would normally do.
If you have a real social occasion every month or so, you will also find that each one becomes highly memorable. These occasions could be seeing a play together, going to a movie theater, or going out for a meal. Spending all day in the company of friends, such as at a cookout or a barbeque, can make the time fly. Especially if the conversation going and share plenty of laughs.
#4 Self-care days
Treating yourself to a self-care day may be long overdue, and although highly enjoyable on your own is far better with a friend or willing family member. This is because you can get the other person’s perspective and opinion on the things you pick while also providing yours about their choices.
Attending a shared appointment, for instance, at the hairdresser either for a completely new look, new color. Or even just a wash and blow dry can inspire a sense of self-worth in both attendees. Having your friend share your experiences while you share theirs and being the first to witness the new look coming together is certainly a powerful event.
Combine this with other treats to improve your own self-image, such as clothes shopping and makeup shopping. And you could find that you have not only given yourself a new look and felt thoroughly spoilt and treated. But have also raised your confidence levels due to your improved self-image.
#5 Educational pastimes
Although it may not sound like fun or even a treat, taking part in an educational pastime could be what your brain is crying out for. Of course, it is essential that you pick a topic that you are actually interested in rather than something that may or may not excel in your career.
When considering ‘education’ as a treat, you should be thinking more of your hobbies or interests and courses. That are relatively short without a recognized qualification or grade at the end. This is because those courses that will come with these or benefit your career will inevitably have some stress attached to them or require a real drive to succeed.
Here, however, you will be immersing yourself in the course out of pleasure with no pressure to get anything from it other than enjoyment and enlightenment. Which is why it will need to be connected to your interests or hobbies outside of work. Gaining this knowledge will feed your mind and get your brain working and thinking about other areas of your life. This in itself will help relax you and again increase your idea of self-worth and confidence in your abilities. It will also allow you to make new social acquaintances with individuals you may not have otherwise encountered.
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So, a few final thoughts
So, you have addressed your tension and helped your relaxation, maybe taking time to detox your system as well. You have spent time with your friends socializing and enjoying their company and conversation. As well as having a fantastic shopping and makeover experience and treating yourself further (or your friends). Then you have also invested in a delicious treat box. Having concluded your treat time with feeding your knowledge and intellect. You likely feel totally different about yourself than you did before you started.
However, just because you have sampled all of these things once doesn’t mean that that is it, and it is back to the grind. All of these should be sampled over and over again. As it is important for your health and well-being (as well as that of your close friends) that you keep up the self-treating rituals that you have now seen the benefits from.